Czech Republic
Český Krumlov
Český Krumlov State Castle
Český Krumlov State Castle
May 19, 2024

  Český Krumlov's striking Renaissance castle, occupying a promontory high above the town, began life in the 13th century. It acquired its present appearance in the 16th to 18th centuries under the stewardship of the noble Rožmberk and Schwarzenberg families. The interiors are accessible by guided tour only, though you can stroll the grounds on your own. Book tours at castle ticket windows, over the website or through the Infocentrum.

  Three main tours are offered: Tour 1 (one hour) takes in the opulent Renaissance and baroque interiors; Tour 2 (one hour) visits the Schwarzenberg portrait galleries and their 19th-century apartments. Tour 3 (40 minutes, 10am to 3pm Tuesday to Sunday May to October) explores the chateau’s nearly perfectly preserved baroque theatre.

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